One on One DIR Floortime Sessions

“We need to take a less narrow view of children’s problems and, instead, see them as window’s of opportunity - a way of exploring and understanding all facets of our children’s development.” Dr. Stanley Greenspan, founder of DIR Floortime.

One on one DIR Floortime sessions are a way of deepening our understanding of children’s developmental profiles and individual differences through a trusting relationship. From this place of trust and attunement, the therapist supports the child’s strengths and vulnerabilities to help them increase their skills and connection to others.

One on one sessions are helpful for children to deepen their skills around regulation, attunement and connection to others before taking the next step to a group setting.

If an adult is attending these sessions include parent coaching on how to use these skills at home and in the community. Siblings and other caregivers can be involved, and we welcome home support workers with a close role in the child’s life to attend.

Common Skills Addressed in 1:1 Sessions

  • Self Regulation

  • Joint Attention

  • Back and Forth Communication

  • Flexibility

  • Ideation

  • Problem Solving

  • Exploring Emotions