Affirming Services for Neurodivergent Children & Teens

Embracing Autism Collaborative Services

For too long there has been a lack of choice and access to affirming support services for neurodivergent children and teens. Embracing Autism Collaborative Services are re-defining choice in services, creating neurodivergent affirming spaces where autistic and neurodiverse children can be authentically themselves, and providing tuitution assistance to ensure access for historically underserved people.

EACS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and we rely on charitable donations to keep our services available. Please consider making a tax deductible donation.

EACS provide numerous afternoon social groups each week. The groups are for children aged 3 - 15 and focus on social connection, self advocacy, communication and being authentically yourself.

The social groups at EACS are different from traditional groups because they focus on authentic and self expressive communication rather than learning rote social responses that may not work across different contexts and environments. Instead EACS supports each child’s development of geuninue self expression.

Speech, language, and communication are developmental areas commonly impacting Autism and other forms of neurodivergence. Supporting this aspect of development in an affirming manner is essential to EACS.

We offer assessments, individual sessions, and social groups by our highly skilled speech-language pathologist, Charlotte Hellmuth. Charlotte has experience with Gestalt Language Processing, Augmentative and Alternative Communication and is Floortime trained.

Charlotte works with children ages 18 months-12 years. Her sessions are child-led, strengths-based and provide unrestricted access to sensory supports.

The therapeutic relationship is essential for positive outcomes, particularly so when working with children, adolescents and adults expriencing neurodivergence, anxiety and trauma. EACS’ mental health professional, Aaron Braun, uses affirming practices to support families around autism, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, behavioral vulnerabilites and much more.

Aaron utilizes DIR Floortime in sessions as well traditional psychotherapy approaches. He believes in supporting the whole family in order to help the child thrive.